Join the Coalition

People and organizations that want to join the Coalition for Immigrant Health and engage in its work can become members of the Coalition. What does it mean to be a member of the Coalition for Immigrant Health? It means you:

  • Publicly support the Coalition’s broad principles and values
  • Vote on the strategic priorities for our collective work (one vote per organization)
  • Support (loosely-defined) legislation and other policies endorsed by the Coalition (with an option to opt-out)
  • Attend meetings as able and actively participate in our collective efforts
  • Stay connected to learn about opportunities for deeper engagement
  • Follow the lead of directly-impacted communities and the organizations who work with them

  • We define health broadly: We know that a person’s ability to be healthy is a result of their economic, social, and environmental conditions, so we advocate for more equitable and effective policies that will support the development of health, well-being, justice, and sustainability.
  • We believe in using a variety of strategies to reach our goals: We know that direct services (health and otherwise), community organizing, leadership development, and policy advocacy are all critical strategies towards addressing the social determinants of health and improving well-being which is necessary for constructing healthy societies.
  • Collective liberation: We believe all manifestations of prejudice and inequality are related, and that we must actively challenge all of them so that our political victories truly benefit all of us. We prioritize the needs and voices of communities who face multiple kinds of oppression, such as those who are Native or First Nations, women, low- or no-income, non-binary or genderqueer, non-passing, youth, elders, people of color, people with mental or physical disabilities, immigrants, sex workers, undocumented people, people who are homeless, and people who are incarcerated, among others.
  • Publicly support our guiding principles and values
  • Vote on strategic priorities for our collective work (one vote per organization)
  • Support legislation and other policies endorsed by the Coalition by being publicly listed, with options to opt-out
  • Attend meetings and actively participate in our collective efforts by taking action, sharing available opportunities, and more
  • Follow the lead of directly-impacted communities and the organizations who work with them